Browse our Entertainment quiz questions! We have compiled over 12,000 for you to use FREE!
Question | Answer | Category |
The Eager Beaver
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The Stranglers (performing Go Buddy Go)
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Nigel Hawthorne
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The words 'Love' and 'Hate'
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Leigh Francis (who comes from Leeds, not Transylvania)
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Far from the Madding Crowd
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Carrie Bradshaw
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Kim Bassinger
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Disco Inferno (originally by the Trammps, 1976)
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The Singing Nun (Soeur Sourire means Sister Smile; real name Jeanine Deckers, she was actually a nun Sister Luc Gabriel from Belgium - her big hit was Dominique, Christmas 1963)
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William Golding
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Prince Philip (Panorama, May 1961)
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Chris Rock
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