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Starting With Youngest Put These Actors In The Order In Which They Were Born:- A) Burt Reynolds, B) Leslie Nielsen, C) John Travolta, D) Sylvester Stallone
C, D, A, B
Tie Breaker:- Length Of Shortest Beatles Track?
Which Russian River Is The Longest In Europe?
Who Were England's Three Goalkeepers In The 1982 World Cup?
Which Film Sees George Clooney, John Turturro And Tim Blake Nelson As Three Excaped Convicts In 1920's America?
Whose Debut Solo Album, In 1992, Was Entitled Diva?
Starting With Youngest Put These Actors In The Order In Which They Were Born:- A) Burt Reynolds, B) Leslie Nielsen, C) John Travolta, D) Sylvester Stallone?