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What Every-Day Item Was Named After Mrs Gamp In Charles Dickens' Martin Chuzzlewit
The Umbrella
What Name Is Given To The Aniseed Flavoured Spirit Drunk In Turkey?
In 1965 Nasa Invested Over 4 Million Dollars Developing The Ag7 Space Pen, A Pen Capable Of Writing In Space, However Nasa Were Left With Egg On Their Face, When The Russians Announced That Their Sollution Cost Them A Mere Fraction Of What The Americans Had Invested, How Did They Do It So Economically?
What Is The Name Of The Cat In 'Hectors House''?
In The Food Processing Industry , What Do The Initials Mrm Stand For?
What Does The Word Cork Mean?
Which Type Of British Fighter Plane Shot Down 1,294 Enemy Aircraft In World War One?