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Question | Answer | Category |
Tito (Josip Broz Tito, 1892-1980)
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Seoul (South Korea, or the Republic of Korea)
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The Shooting Party
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Pun (A word with two meanings)
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Nicholas Nickleby
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Martin Luther King
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Lady Godiva (Leofric and Godiva were important figures in early 11th England, but Lady Godiva's naked ride on horseback through Coventry to persuade her husband to lower people's taxes is not historically reliable, and probably legend based on her convent
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Peking (now Beijing)
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Uruguay (close to the border with Argentina, about 100 miles north of Buenos Aires - the original Fray Bentos was apparently a priest)
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Ghana (Cedi = 100 pesewas)
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New Zealand (he held office as premier for just two weeks)
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Binnacle (ultimately derived from Latin habitare, meaning to dwell, in which the T sound evolved to an N sound while the word transferred through French to English.)
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Samovar (derived from sam meaning self and varit meaning to boil, from Old Slavic variti meaning to cook)
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