Browse our General Knowledge quiz questions! We have compiled over 12,000 for you to use FREE!
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Jane Seymour (1509-37)
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The Sundance Kid (partner of Butch Cassidy)
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Typhoid (hence her nickname and the expression, 'Typhoid Mary', referring to someone whose behaviour creates a risk of infecting to others)
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Jonny Quest
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Yuri Andropov (1914-84
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MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club, formed in 1787)
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Nokia (a marten is like a weasel - the variety in question was probably the pine marten or sable, which gave its name to the Finnish river and town on which the early Nokia company - a paper mill - was built.)
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Andes (Aconcagua is 22,834 feet high, Argentina)
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Salisbury (apparently a clock-face was considered unnecesary because the time was announced by bells)
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Puccini (Giacomo Puccini)
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